Monday, July 25, 2011


I thought the butler would be a part of the family, I force killed him. I wish I could force kill him a million times. I hate these goddamn butlers. They're as useless as the dirt on the bottom of my shoes. They don't clean, cook way too much, leaving uncooked ingredients EVERYWHERE.
They always complain to be sleepy. I set them their own bedroom, their own little house to utilize, but they're ALWAYS sleepy. Why????
Then just now, they started a fire while cooking...AGAIN. STOP COOKINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. $1250 a week my @$$. They always start a fire, and the firefighters sure take their time coming for the rescue.
Well, you get the point. I force kill any sim that annoys me, except for my legacy. They do aggravate me when they whine and waste more time whilst they could have done what needed to be done.
Sometimes, I do let them whine to their death.

Oh, look, pigeons!


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