Thursday, July 28, 2011

So Basil had just been falsely accused...

Of whatever bullshit I don't give a shit for.
The amount of friends lost seems to have increased each time he's publicly disgraced.
From 30+ to 40+ now.
It's killing me.........I don't use cheat to make friends for him. I threw parties everyday ever since week 1. I even slaved to get Legendary Host and Distant Friend first. Fuck, I'm so upset right now.......

Oh, look! They sunk into the beds!
Another pet-peeve of mine is the scolding.
Fuck adults are annoying. They scold the poor kids over EVERYTHING. Like late for school, it's not the kid's fault the bus doesn't come until 10AM every morning, and I have to delete that bus manually and teleport them to school AND they still can't get into school, standing outside of school for hours with the other kids.
The scolding only makes it worse, because they're already SUPER late for school. They'd have to take the taxi back home just to get screamed at. WTF?????
There's the scold for bad grades, they can't help that either..THEY CAN'T FUCKING GET INTO SCHOOL.
It'd terminate all the queues I have for them just for the scolding.


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