Just a page of townies that I adore.
The more beautiful, the more I love them.
+Si Vildesson
+Siar Delonssiv
They are basically twins, but are married.
+Atlas Delonssiv (Si&Siar's 2nd son)
+Ivory Pearl (love her!)
+Hendric Thomas
+Cloris Smith
+Atticus Delonssiv et Jovanni Vildesson
+Frankie Princess (Ambrose et Kiara's son)
+Donatella Minstrel
+Jacinda Moon
+Mitzi Mango
+Cora Mango (don't know why I think he's adorable, but he is..?)
+Noe Dias (a babysitter, NPC, whom I accidentally edited thinking he was someone else)